Thursday, November 8, 2012

Daily Love Scopes ? Blog Archive ? November 7 Wednesday

Posted: November 7th, 2012 | Author: DLQ | Filed under: 2012 | No Comments ?

These daily horoscopes can also be found on

Aries: The energy of the day encourages growth but this not something you need to rush into. Small, persistent messages through normal lines of communication can create a bigger picture. Just let the pieces of the puzzle put themselves together until everything is clear. For many of you, this energy creates the perfect opportunity to take up a new direction. This may mean you choose what you would like to do with your life, and/or the kind of relationships you would like to enjoy from now on. You may be moving on and leaving the past behind but that doesn?t mean you cannot learn from it. By doing so you can achieve a new and more brilliant future. No need to try and process everything at once, go with flow and take one step at a time.

Taurus: Many of you may find yourselves looking for a little temporary romance or the chance at love and happiness. Either way this could come in the form of someone you know that you didn?t see coming. He or she may have or will be revealing their true feelings for you and you will not be able to get their declaration out of your head. The possibilities before you are so exciting that you just cannot resist it. You will start to see and think things about this person you haven?t before and you will really like where it leads you. If you are attached in some capacity, you are feeling the urge for closeness and passion towards your lover. What you may not know yet is they are as well. Whatever you do, try not to break the bed.

Gemini: Your feelings and passions are strong and compelling at this time. You are done with the bullshit, done with the dead ends. You are tired of picking unsuitable mates and this time you refuse to settle for less. If you haven?t broken up with your previous lover, this may come today if this was something you were working towards. Whether you are or are unattached, you will be encouraged to find someone who can be a companion on a mental, spiritual, and physical level as well. The type of relationship that can satisfy you now is one based on a more spiritual outlook than some of the previous ones have been. When you begin to broaden your social circle, you will find that person you seek.

Cancer: For many of you, discussions about personal topics will be the majority of your day. This is good time to clear the air in your personal relationships but you will be able to do in a way that isn?t hurtful or bridge burning. Thanks to your easy imaginative thoughts, that will not be the only thing you can accomplish. This energy will spark a bit of daydreaming and reflecting on your past but it will also enhance your creativity and encourage you to follow your dreams. Just be careful that the thoughts from your past do not fully affect your current view. You have grown since then and so has your perspective. If you are unattached you will meet people who love to talk about a variety of subjects. One may be the person your heart desires.

Leo: This is a positive and refreshing time period for you. Progressive changes in your life and relationships make this an exciting time. What may add to this for some of you is the speculation surrounding your love life. To you the changes do not seem extraordinary enough to warrant all of this attention but to others, the revolution in your life and relationships will be evident. As the path forward begins to form before you, you may worry about how your love life will be affected. So long as you stay on course, the positive energy will seep in and surround every aspect in your life. If you are having any doubts or worries, you need to shake off that pessimistic view and allow these blessing to unfold. Go on and take that step forward. This is your time.

Virgo: You may be in the midst of a transformation right now that will likely cover your life in general and your intimate affairs. During this transformation you are caught up in a bit of fantasy, your thoughts are dreamy and certainly far away. Because your imagination is heightened it is possible that you will gain some powerful insights about life or your current relationship if you are so attached. This insight raises your intuition level which will strengthen your emotional commitments or benefit your romantic endeavors. Those of you either in a new relationship or early stages of dating someone may find that this connection has far more potential then you first thought. Keep this positive frame of mind and focus this energy to building a solid future.

Libra: Your mind is working overtime today and the sudden realizations that come with it give you a better idea on what?s really going on. One of those realizations is a clear understanding of what your limitations are and the true obstacles you need to work around or eliminate. Knowing this makes what is demanded of you clear enough that you can easy meet or succeed them and know where you stand. With this clarity your feelings and emotions are rather powerful but it should hopefully give you a little more confidence in your abilities. If there is a problem in your love life, take a positive point of view and look at it as an opportunity. Can you turn this obstacle into something that will benefit those involved? I know you can.

Scorpio: If you haven?t already, you will be cleaning out the mess that your love life has become. Some of you may be or have been involved in a rather unhealthy relationship that has held you back from growth and success in other areas of your life. You have tried so hard to work through this but you have gained a certain clarity that has revealed your lovers true colors. You may have been through quite a time in terms of this relationship and it has left you with a few lessons well learned. Though this may be rather quick, the possibility of a new kind of relationship may fall into your lap. You will begin to develop a new set of friendships that reflect who you are today. Eventually, when you are ready, one of your new friends may turn into a new love.

Sagittarius: You are conflicted and this isn?t a good situation for an Archer to be in. Your relationship is not going well and while you know it no longer has a positive purpose in your life, you can?t help but think there is something left to fight for. You are comfortable in this routine and stuck between a sense of duty to your lover and your yearning for true love and emotional satisfaction. Your mind wants you to move on but heart won?t let you. You need to ask yourself, how much more can you take and do you think that the change you need or that is obviously needed here from both of you, can be done. It is possible that the answer to this is no and you will need to let go of this person you cherish.

Capricorn: This is a time for new adventures in your life which extend to your friendships and intimate affairs. Many of you will feel the urge to explore new possibilities in your relationships and rid yourself of this restless feeling. Some of you may have felt that a boring and draining pattern was beginning to develop in your relationship or life in general and you need to break free of it before it takes you under. You are committed to this change and want to achieve a status that brings you both emotional and physical wealth as well as a stronger love. The energy surrounding you will help you build the foundations for this to happen and open up the doors to the possibilities that will take you towards your new direction. Things are looking up for you.

Aquarius: Life is a process of constant change and nothing ever remains the same. You will be reminded that with love especially, the two involved continue to grow and develop not only together but individually. This growth will likely present a few new options today for you and your sweetheart to consider. Are you and your loved one in state of continuous and positive development? You two may be close but not completely there and should really consider a few new options. Be careful though. Right now both of you may be going through a bit of an ego trip and looking out for number one rather than the relationship. Things may get heated but if you can be conscious of this problem before it explodes, you can turn this into something good.

Pisces: Your emotions may be sensitive right now and your intuition on overload. If you are recently unattached or ready to get back to dating, you feel drawn to people that may not be completely what you are looking for because you can connect with them based one something from you past. Embrace your adventurous side and keep moving forward. You know you do not want a sentimental kind of romance and should not allow yourself to feel any sort of nostalgia either. It might be a good idea that you surround yourself with people or get involved with experiences that take you away from your old status quo and put you with people who are trying to be as adventurous as you would like to be. This should help you achieve your goal.




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